If you wish to pay for your cart items by CREDIT CARD choose CHECKOUT then select the Pay Pal option. Choose Pay by Credit Card. Alternatively you can enter your details by going through the EXPRESS CHECKOUT which is the yellow PayPal button with credit card options shown below it.  Hitting the yellow PayPal button will direct you to Pay Pal, choosing one of the credit card icons will allow you to enter your card details using the security of the Pay Pal system. Be sure to select AUSTRALIA  when using this option of payment. 

Shipping Methods:
Express Post – $15.00.  Standard Australia Wide Shipping – $11.00 (No charge for orders over $160.00)  Go Logistics Courier (Sydney only) $22.00 or Store Pick Up .

 If you go through the EXPRESS CHECKOUT (yellow PayPal button) you will automatically be charged for Standard Australia Wide Shipping. If you need to alter the shipping method you can change your shipping  from one type to another as you go through the checkout process.