Home / Shop / Justice of the Peace Stamps / QLD / Certifying
QLD25 Certifying Stamp - copy of original - copy of copy or copy of download

- Description
Stamp and Sign.....Save Time!!
QLD 25 is a Customised Self Inking Certifying Justice of the Peace stamp available in Black, Blue or Red ink. Choose whether you want this stamp for certifying an original copy, a copy of a copy or copy of a download. To purchase a stamp that includes all three options have a look QLD 60.
JP Stamps are an invaluable time saving tool when it comes to witnessing and signing documents. All you need to do is stamp and sign for witnessing documents, affidavits and statutory declarations.
No matter which state you live in, our stamps meet the legal requirements necessary to validate the documents you need to witness and sign.
Easy system to find the stamp you need
Our stamps have been placed in to five categories to help you find what you are looking for.
Name and Number
When your stamp needs to be re-inked we can supply you with a new pad or a bottle of ink to refill your existing ink pad. Use of the correct ink is very important as the wrong ink can affect the life of the stamp.
Quality Product
You can be assured that we are providing a great product as we stick to the brand of machine that we trust to be of the highest quality.
Years of experience
Our slogan for the past 35 years has been “Don’t write it.....Rubber Stamp It!!. This is particularly relevant to the duties of a JP and that’s where our stamps can save a bit of time leading to our JP slogan of “Stamp and Sign....Save Time!.”
Manufactured onsite
We manufacture our rubber stamps onsite and can offer great prices and of course a quicker service.
Postage/Freight is not built in to the price of the stamp. We have an option to pick up in store so we didn’t want to
unfairly charge people who can make it in person, in fact any orders over the amount shown on our home page, are shipped FREE of charge.